Little Brother Moves Hearts During Family Dance

In this video from 2016, the Willis family showcase not only their talents but also their family love for one another. A dance group comprised of siblings, the performance by youngsters Jedi and Jaeger was especially heartwarming, as they performed to the song 100 Times Better With You, in West Palm Beach, Florida.

A Moment in Time

Sibling rivalry is to be expected between brothers and sisters. One family was shocked when their children enjoyed time together so much that they decided to become dance partners. While you always encourage your children to find something that they love to do, you rarely think that activity will take place together on a dance floor in front of an audience.

Whether it turns out to be just a hobby or a lifelong love, sister Jedi and brother Jaeger are enjoying their partnership as dance partners. Based out of Nashville, Tennessee, the Willis siblings have found that their love for dancing means so much more. Scoring a reality TV show, these siblings, including Jedi and Jaeger, are headed for the big stage.
A Family of Talent

As a gifted group of siblings, the Willis family has made their home on various stages and in front of audiences. As Tennessee natives, these siblings are as down-to-earth as they come, which is what made them such great candidates for their own television show. Although all the siblings in this family are ripe with talent, it was a special performance by Jedi and Jaeger that made recent news.

A Recent Turn of Events

Though Jedi and Jaeger are used to performing, much attention was drawn to their most recent appearance on the King’s Academy stage in West Palm Beach Florida. Starting off with moves from the notorious Shag dance, siblings Jedi and Jaeger picked up the beat to match their song of choice, 100 Times Better With You. Whether this song choice was theirs or that of their parents, we will never know. Nor do audiences care about the song selection, as all eyes were on this adorable duo.

The Perfect Duo

Switching out through much of the song, the focus is on each sibling at a time. Eventually, Jaeger cuts in and makes the perfect dance partner. Causing the crowd to go wild, the image of Jedi and Jaeger dancing together is almost too cute to handle. Seeing the love and adoration that these two siblings have for each other come out on the dance floor is a sight to be seen.

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