Little Girl Bursts With Joy At Petting Zoo And The Pony Has Everything To Do With It

Being a kid means getting to experience everything for the first time, viscerally and wholeheartedly. The first taste of an ice cream cone. The early fall and scrape on the knee. The first ache of a tooth coming in. The first hug from a stranger. It’s such a miracle I( and qu8ite frankly, very nostalgic) to see a child experience something for the first time and fall in love. Could your heart be any more full?!


A child’s insatiable curiosity will inevitably lead her to discover things both good and bad, delightful and painful, and in this case with a pony, absolutely joyful.

This is Leeci’s first time on a farm and her first encounter with a pony. She gets up close and personal with her new friend, leaving not very much space in between. Leeci shows no fear as she reaches her arm out to touch the pony, then pulls back and giggles with glee.

She goes in for a second time, staying a little longer before pulling back and going in again, with both hands. Leeci is over the moon, oblivious to her parents’ warnings, “They’ll bite your fingers, read that sign..”, and “Be careful…!” I guess it goes without saying that when we find something that truly pulls on our heartstrings, we’re willing to throw caution to the wind, and lead with our hearts.


Leeci is living in the now, enjoying every unfolding moment of her new experience and ignoring her parents. Her childlike wonder and curiosity is strong, something that unfortunately tapers off as we grow older, and as our understanding grows bigger. Seeing the world through a child’s eyes is a poignant reminder that there are still beautiful things in life to uncover or at least revisit if we haven’t gone back in a while. After all, we were children once, doesn’t at least a little piece of that remain as we grow up?

Click on the link below to watch Leeci express her sheer delight as she interacts with the pony. It sorta makes you wanna be a kid and experience the beautiful moments life has to offer all over again!

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